The Most Powerful Marvel Characters! – Cepholic

The Most Powerful Marvel Characters Cepholic

Marvel, which has the biggest fiction world today, has been doing very successful works lately. Marvel, which stands out especially with its scenario, locks the audience on the screen with its numerous superheroes. In today’s article, we will tell you who are the strongest Marvel characters.

Recently, after the successive Marvel movies, the question of who is the strongest Marvel character has been asked a lot, especially the question of who is the strongest avengers. Let’s come to the question of who are the strongest marvel characters, the list we made is definitely not prepared personally. We share with you the votes of Marvel fans.


Thor, who is at the top of our list, is the strongest character of the avengers team, and the god thor is a very powerful superhero with the storm breaker and mjolnir in his hand.

Scarlett Witch

Scarlett Witch

Scarlett Witch, which takes its place in the second place of our list, takes its place in the second place with its extraordinary powers in the last movie. With an endless flow of energy, Scarlett Witch may soon be number one.

Captain Marvel

captain marvel

Although Captain Marvel, which takes its place in the third place of our list, does not appear much in the middle, most of it grows in critical situations. As for his powers, the superhero with atomic energy is on the list.



Turned into a gigantic creature when angry, Dr. When Banner becomes the hulk, no one can get in front of him. Taking his anger out on his enemies, the hulk is quite powerful in his giant form.

Captain America

captain america

Captain America, who took his place on our list, has turned into a stronger person than normal people with the serum given to him.

Demir Adam

Demir Adam

He becomes a superhero with the armor he designed with his own intelligence.

Doctor Strange

dovtor strange

Doctor Strange, the keeper of the time stone, is a master of mystical arts and has the ability to cast most spells. Especially with the power of the time stone, he can travel in time.

Black Panther

black panther

Black Panther, the king of Wakanda, gained a very strong character thanks to the armor he developed thanks to vibranium.

Best Marvel Movies
