The most important Avengers film since Endgame could destroy the entire MCU

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Marvel Studios unveiled two new Avengers blockbusters at this year’s Comic-Con. So far, the MCU has seemed a bit disoriented in the post-endgame era. But now we know what major event Phases 4 to 6, known as the Multiverse Saga, lead to: Avengers: Secret Wars.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness already provided the first hints of what could be in store for us with Secret Wars: incursions, colliding universes and nothing less than a complete reboot of the MCU. That doesn’t seem so far-fetched if Avengers 6 is based on the 2015 comic book event. Because: A complete universe was destroyed in it.

Secret Wars is Marvel’s ultimate reboot tool

There have been several Secret Wars series in Marvel Comics. The best-known dates back to 1984. Looking at the recent events of Phase 4, it looks more like an adaptation of Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić’s 2015 miniseries. This was the End point of an era of Marvel Comicswhich is not dissimilar to the current state of the MCU.

The world of Marvel Comics was quite confusing in the early 2010s. Since 2000 there was also the next to the main series completely separate Ultimate Universe comic continuity, which offered modern reinterpretations of numerous well-known heroes. There were two large series (and several mini-series with other alternative realities) in parallel. And then Marvel collapsed the multiverse.

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Building on the Time Runs Out saga, Secret Wars saw the entire multiverse destroyed until only a patchwork of universe set pieces called Battleworld remained. The crossover event of all crossover events eventually led to the Marvel Comics reboot under the title All New, All Different Marvel.

The continuity of the main series remained, but the Ultimate label was scrapped. From Secret Wars came in new status quo for the Marvel Comics emerged, in which numerous popular characters from the destroyed Ultimate universe were integrated into the main series and numerous individual series were restarted.

After 15 years, the Ultimate Universe was wiped out. Is the same coming up for the Marvel Cinematic Universe after 17 years?

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Avengers: Secret Wars could end up being a similar reboot of the status quo as the comics. The end of Loki already gave the decisive clue: there was already a multiversal war in the Marvel world that ended with that all realities merged into one True Timeline became. And that’s exactly what seems to be happening again with Secret Wars.


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The MCU would also desperately need this restart. There are more and more films and more and more series, all of which are related to the continued continuity since 2008 are bound. The strong networking of the cinema films and Disney+ shows makes it easier for fans more and more complexto keep track.

Marvel Studios now has a chance at redemption to reset everything and start a new continuity, the MCU 2.0, to start. This new Marvel Cinematic Universe could bring together a whole new cast of superheroes from different realities.

Well-known characters could be reinterpreted, sorted out or recast and completely new ones, such as the eagerly awaited X-Men, could be added. And all in a shared universe where the Stories from the last 17 years no longer play a major role.

Whether there will actually be a restart of the MCU or whether Avengers: Secret Wars will simply wipe out any previously unknown alternate realities is still pure speculation at this point in time. But what is certain: The end of the Multiverse Saga will be a huge cinematic eventwhich promises to change the status quo of the Marvel Multiverse.

Would you like a MCU reboot after Secret Wars?
