The most Finnish World Championship result since Janne Ahonen-the wonders of the King Eagle also got the answer | Skiing mm 2025

The most Finnish World Championship result since Janne Ahonen the wonders

The Normal Hill of Trondheim’s World Cup saw Finnish Draoa. However, Antti Aalto was responsible for the toughest result of Finnish skiers in 14 years.

  • Roope Visuri,
  • Laura Arffman,
  • Anu Karttunen
  • The World Ski Championships will be heard and we will be seen live from EPN channels. You can find everything in the World Championships here!

    The Trondheim World Championships featured an interesting ski jumping competition from the Normal Hill in Finland. Finnish promise Vilho Palosaari was rejected, and the 2023 world champion of the youth could not be able to compete at all.

    – The crotch was too low. It’s ridiculous. It must have been a thing. There is nothing, Palosaari opened to Sports.

    The race suit was different from the one where Palosaari jumped on the test tour. The race suit also got wet and it became heavier.

    – If I had been able to try the second time (in the test), it would have gone through, Palosaari said.

    However, Palosaari had not sold his country, even though he was rejected today.

    – Look forward. At least the jumps have gone from the jump to the better and have been seen where the level is. And I wasn’t even my best jumps. Even though the sleeve came, it looks good.

    Antti Aalto tinted

    Antti Aalto was the best Finn to be twelfth. Trondheim was thus seen According to FIS statistics Finnish men’s ski jumping hardly earnings since the Oslo World Championship 2011.

    At that time Matti Hautamäki was fifth in the Greater World Championship and Anssi Koivuranta Tenth in the Normal Hill race.

    Finland was also represented by the current Sports ski jumping expert in Finland Janne Ahonen.

    Aalto also ignored the 12th place of the Beijing Olympics 2022 in the 2022.

    – For Antti, hat lift. It hasn’t been an easy season. It has now been seen in a few value races that Antti is doing his best performance in these, Ahonen boasts at the report.

    Aalto was pleased to have made two smooth and good jumps.

    – This can be improved on a big hill by gaining confidence. There were good jumps on the soles, even though it has been volatile, Aalto described.

    The head coach responded to the wonder

    Finnish head coach Igor Medved He was happy with the team’s contribution, as Aalto was the second best for the season. Aalto was 11th in the Ruka World Cup in one round.

    Kasperi Valto was 26th and was his best of his season.

    – We managed to get the guys more relaxed. Their jumps seemed technically better. There were small mistakes, but they didn’t bother me too much, Medved described.

    Palosaari’s case Slovenian head coach was annoyed. He said Finland had thought of protest, but they eventually saw the word against a word.

    – He may have been a little stressed. This can happen because the suit can move. We try to be close to the border. We don’t over it, but this can happen, Medved said.

    Before the race, I was amazed why in February magnificently returned to the World Cup after a serious injury Eetu Nousiainen Stayed out of the World Cup.

    Nousiainen had been hopeful in an interview with STT after getting into the team after the training. Janne Ahonen wondered why Nousiainen couldn’t get into the team on Friday.

    Medved explained that the team had made clear rules. The first jump was the test. The results of the second and third rounds were added together. Based on these, the top four were selected for the team.

    – I know Eetu was our best husband two, the previous three weeks. This happens. I believe this motivates him and kicks him towards Suurmäki, Medved described.

    All news and speeches in the World Skiing World Championships can be found here.

    Ski jumping, score service:
