“The most expensive event since 1982”: for 45 million French people, this compulsory expense will hurt

The most expensive event since 1982 for 45 million French

Bad news for French households! From January 1, 2024, a significant increase is expected in the insurance sector. For one of them, mandatory, the increase could go up to 7.5%.

The next bills risk being steep for all policyholders. In the coming months, insurance contract prices will once again be increased. Several reasons allow insurance companies to justify this increase in prices: first of all, the high inflation of recent months, and the increase in claims caused by climate change. “The French must expect price increases for their insurance in 2024 which will revolve around inflation. declared Adrien Couret, general manager of the Aéma insurance group (Macif, Aésio Mutuelle, Abeille Assurances, etc.), to AFP in early September. But among all the insurance services, one in particular is expected to do particular harm to household budgets.

This is home insurance. And for good reason, after a year 2022 impacted by drought, which caused a lot of damage to homes, the insurers’ note reached 3.5 billion euros. What “proves to be the most costly event since the establishment of the natural disaster regime”, by the law of July 13, 1982, underlines the French insurers federation in a report published in August 2023. In addition, there is also the damage caused by intense hail episodes and all other climatic disasters in the year 2022 which have been estimated at more than 10 billion euros by experts . And to a completely different extent, the 11% increase in the number of burglaries in France over one year also plays a role.

Additional costs for insurance companies which have until now saved policyholders as much as possible, due to the commitment made by the insurance sector with Bercy in September 2022 to “contain the evolution of average daily insurance premiums for French people” for the year 2023.

Concretely, the increase in home insurance contracts which are held by more than 45 million French people – “at the end of 2022, the number of MRH contracts stands at 45.4 million” indicates France Assureurs – should be between 5.5 and 7.5% on average in 2024, estimate Addactis and Assurland. Unfortunately, this sector will probably not be the only one affected. Automobile insurance contracts and supplementary health insurance should also see their prices jump next year.
