The moderates have the highest level of confidence in three further substantive issues

In Novus’ latest survey, voters were asked to rank their ten most important issues, as well as say which party they think has the best policy on each issue.

And the Moderates have advanced on several issues. Among other things, they have taken over first place in law and order, where the Sweden Democrats previously led but have now backed down. The Moderates have also taken over first place in economics, overtaking the Social Democrats who were the biggest last time. Likewise, in energy policy, the Moderates have overtaken the Social Democrats.

Despite the small margins, Novus CEO Torbjörn Sjöström sees the development as a positive trend for the prime minister’s party

– The voters think they have a slightly stronger grip, even if it is a very weak grip, on the country’s development and the government issue as such, says Torbjörn Sjöström and continues:

– That the Sweden Democrats have lost law and order to the Moderates, which is the voters’ second most important issue, can be a bit of a tone-setter. We also have the country’s economy where the Moderates are leading, and the energy issue as well.

The Green Party is the largest in the environment

The survey also shows that the Green Party has greatly strengthened its position in climate and environment. However, the increases since April are mainly judged to be an effect of the fact that the Green Party was already the biggest in the issues that have now been given a lot of space during the EU election campaign.

– Environment and climate are quite far down on the list of voters’ most important issues in Sweden. So it is not possible to equate this with a marked increase in support for the Green Party in the parliamentary elections, says Torbjörn Sjöström.

As before, the Social Democrats still have the highest confidence in the welfare issues of healthcare and elderly care as well as school and education, while the Sweden Democrats top in immigration and integration and the Moderates in defence.


Novus has also asked how important voters think the substantive issues are each as political issues. All questions have lost importance since previous measurements. Torbjörn Sjöström sees this as a worrying sign for citizens’ overall confidence in politics’ ability to solve society’s problems.

– This is a warning bell for Swedish party politics. They don’t need to show whose fault it is, but find relevant solutions that are also somewhat grounded in reality. Not that now we should solve everything at once, but show that we get a positive movement forward that they are with and controlling.

Is it that the politicians have eroded the policy with too many unrealistic or confrontational outbursts?

– Yes, it is very much like that. That “now you have to solve crime”, then the government is replaced and nothing happens. You are very cocky in opposition and then much more humble when you are in a government position. A completely different balance and tonality is needed here, says Torbjörn Sjöström.

Voters’ most important questions

Voters’ most important issues, and the respective party with the highest voter confidence

Healthcare – S 26%

Law and order – M 25%

School and education – S 22%

Immigration/integration – SD 30%

Climate – MP 34%

Environment – ​​MP 36%

The country’s economy – M 28%

Elderly care – S 23%

Defense – M 31%

Energy policy – ​​M 16%

Novus conducted the survey with 1,002 people June 14-18, 2024
