The moderates’ actions upset S – “They are in opposition to a majority that does not exist”

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The moderates in the region declared on Thursday that they will not take a leading position in the negotiations for a new political government after the regional election. Instead, the party is in opposition for so long, but at the same time declares that it is prepared to talk to all parties.

The statement has caused both surprise and anger among the Social Democrats in Region Västernorrland.

– The reaction from the Moderates is one of the strangest things I have witnessed. I have never witnessed such dishonest and irresponsible political action at any time, says regional councilor Glenn Nordlund.

Majority for the 250 million investment

– They govern the region together with us and the Liberals for three years, and have the chairmanship of the Health and Medical Services Board. Then they drop out, depose their board chairman and put the rest of us in a very tricky political situation. After that, they instead try to create a majority for an unfunded cost increase of 250 million, continues Glenn Nordlund.

The cost increase he refers to is the opposition’s proposal for salary increases of SEK 250 million for Region Västernorrland’s staff, which was voted down by the regional council last spring but which was kept as a promise during the election campaign.

– After the regional election, there is a majority for their promised wage investment – then the Moderates do not want to take any responsibility but declare that they are in opposition. You can ask who they are in opposition to, says Glenn Nordlund.
