The MMORPG to Elder Scrolls now has prettier graphics, makes the subscription a mandatory for new dungeons

The dungeon DLC fall banners and the free update 45 for Elder Scrolls Online are live, at least on the PC and Mac. The most exciting innovation revolves around the optical splendor of several zones.

What is in the update?

  • The new dungeon DLC falls banners-ESO fans know it-two new dungeons: the ski jump of the secluded and Lep Seclusa. For the time being, you only get access via the ESO-Plus subscription. Other types of playing content are to be announced on April 10, 2025.
  • Update 45 is available free of charge for all players from ESO and delivers a graphic modernization of the starting areas Ödfels, Bal Foyen, Stros M’Kai, Betnikh and Khenarthis-so that as far as lighting, texture quality or environmental details are concerned, they correspond to the level of the newer regions.
  • Update 45 also increases the starting speed of mounts, revises the skill star image and makes the card by cleaning up more readable. In addition, the cladding of the game moves from the inventory into your collections and the visibility of Mundusstein blessing is improved.
  • DLC and update are to follow on the consoles on March 26, 2025.

    A chapter like Gold Road will never be available for ESO-so enjoy the announcement trailer again:

    The Elder Scrolls Online – Gold Road in the announcement trailer

    More videos


    Big test from Cyrodiil shortly

    What else is on? The developers want to significantly improve the PvP experience in Cyrodiil and therefore plan a big test with “Champions Cyrodiils”. The associated alliance war campaign with the name “retaliation” is scheduled to run from March 24 to 31, 2025.

    The goal is to improve stability and performance in Cyrodiil as well as in surrounding regions. The developers had revealed more details on a Q&A round on YouTube a few weeks ago. The complete German patch notes can be found on

    What else happens at ESO 2025? So far it has only been clear that the developers want to switch from the update cycle of the past few years to a seasonal timetable that does not require a large chapter in summer:

  • From 2025 and 2026, there will be three or six months of seasons that will deliver a mix of thematically suitable story content, events, dungeons, shop supplements and more.
  • In addition to smaller content, larger innovations are also planned, on which the developers have been working for more than a year.
  • In 2025, for example, there should also be area -based content, but this will not be presented until April. In the medium term, however, it is the plan to let the new story content play in existing areas and to complete current, but still open threads of action and to put known figures in the spotlight again.
  • In the course of the seasons, the desire from the community should be fulfilled to dare and experiment more. You don’t want to be so predictable and try new types of content.
  • What do you think of this new plan for Elder Scrolls online? Treat it in the comments! We will find out more details at the ESO direct show from Microsoft, Bethesda and Zenimax on April 10, 2025. By the way, you can also find everything you know here: Gold Road was the last chapter for Elder Scrolls Online, from 2025 everything will be new
