In the MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online, the developers want to spruce up the dungeons. However, after 18 years there are a multitude, that’s why they ask you for help.
What should be done? The developers of The Lord of the Rings Online want to take care of old dungeons in 2025. These should not only receive better textures, but also generally be raised to “modern design standards”. The development team itself speaks of a “facelift” for the game’s dungeons.
However, not all dungeons are affected at once. When it comes to the question of where the team should start, you come into play.
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The developers need you
What can you decide? Because there has been a lot of content since the game’s release in 2007, the developers simply can’t decide which three dungeons to start with.
Instead of lengthy discussions, they allow players to vote. For this purpose, a survey is running in the Lord of the Rings Online forum with the dungeons of the first three areas “Ered Luin (Sindarin for blue mountains), Shire and Breeland”.
In the survey, the instances “Into the Silver Depths, Skorgrim’s Crypt and Spooky Quarry” are currently in the lead. However, the survey will run until the end of the month.
Will only the three dungeons with the most votes receive an update? No, the developers want to gradually improve all the dungeons. The survey is only intended to help you select the first three dungeons that will receive a facelift 18 years after release in 2025.
The developers have also commented on other locations. There are sometimes more complex things to consider here, which is why you first start with the dungeons from the starting areas.
How is the Lord of the Rings MMORPG going? The Lord of the Rings Online has just received its 11th expansion. It’s called Morgoth’s Legacy and takes you to the desert of Harad. New enemy types, over 350 tasks and many collectibles are waiting for you there.
The expansion offers fans hours of fun again. The story will also continue to be written and let you fight against Morgoths. The new villain is really tough, as you can find out here: The MMORPG for Lord of the Rings has its 11th expansion, which takes you to the origin of all evil