THE MMORPG for collectors gets perfect feature to display legendaries, mounts and all characters

With the upcoming expansion Janthir Wilds, a new housing feature is coming to Guild Wars 2. Now there is new information about the homes and the functions of the home system.

What is known about the new housing? Arenanet first announced the feature and the associated expansion Janthir Wilds on June 4, 2024. In collaboration with the developers, the website PC Gamer has now published an exclusive preview of the homes. MeinMMO summarizes the most important things for you below.

  • The new homes are a further development of the home instances that will continue to exist.
  • All items collected in home instances can be seamlessly integrated into the new homes.
  • For the homes, Arenanet has fundamentally revised and expanded the building editor of Guild Wars 2. Similar to the great housing of WildStar, it should also be possible, for example, to scale objects in size or let them float in the air.
  • The developers are introducing a new championship to unlock the building instructions. More than 300 decorations are planned for the launch. Over the next year, the number is expected to rise to around 800.
  • Your home will be a showcase for all your skins, armor, weapons, characters, and mounts. You can place all your GW2 heroes on the lot (and have them perform animations), visit your mounts in the stable (and ogle your favorite skins), display peacemakers in weapon racks, and throw fancy clothes over mannequins to show them off in all their glory.
  • Various activities await you in the homes, such as harvesting knots, watering flowers, fishing, swimming, felling trees or watching “cats doing cat things” (via Arenanet). Yup, your collected house cats will find their new home in the home.
  • At the associated jetty you will find the skiff with which you can chug across the local river.
  • You will gain access to the feature early during the story campaign of the new expansion.
  • Unlike other MMORPGs, you don’t have to win the lottery or pay huge amounts of in-game money to secure your own property. There are also no rents or other regular costs.
  • The announcement trailer for the Janthir Wilds expansion of Guild Wars 2:

    Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds – Announcement trailer introduces new expansion

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    New system with potential

    What does MeinMMO editor Karsten Scholz say about the new housing? In recent years, I’ve always had the feeling that Arenanet is only doing the bare minimum to keep Guild Wars 2 alive. This fits with the fact that Guild Wars 3 is already in development.

    I am therefore pleasantly surprised at how powerful and well thought out the new housing system from Janthir Wilds seems so far. We can definitely expect more than just a token home system that offers little more than the home instances. In terms of the variety of options in the editor, the homes even remind me of perhaps the best housing system in the MMORPG genre.

    In my opinion, this was the case in WildStar, which went offline in November 2018 and therefore does not appear in our top 5 of the best housing systems in MMORPGs. In the colorful online adventure from Carbine and NCSoft, it was also possible to let items float in the air or to scale their size to your own liking.

    I think it’s great that there are so many ways to display all of the achievements you’ve collected – after all, Guild Wars 2, with its horizontal progression, is THE MMORPG for expanding your collection over the years.

    What I’m still missing are one or two more pieces of content that are linked to the homes. Here, too, my attention turns to WildStar, because there were the so-called housing expeditions that you could do alone or with friends and earn exclusive decorations.

    What is your first impression so far? Which feature do you miss? What do you particularly like? Tell me in the comments! You can find more information about the new expansion, which is due to be released on August 20, 2024, here: Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds – Everything you need to know about release, housing, warclaw mount and spear weapon type
