Players in Final Fantasy XIV randomly mutate into Super Saiyan and cause chaos. MeinMMO tells you what’s behind it.
Currently, it seems like everyone in Eorzea is going Super Saiyan – or at least something close to it. The latest patch 6.5 for FFXIV not only brought new quests and dungeons, but also some bugs.
Players receive completely random and surprising buffs and abilities that give them a real rush of power. As if they had suddenly become superheroes overnight.
You can take a look at the upcoming expansion Dawntrail here:
Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail – Trailer for the new expansion
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Uncontrollable buffs cause chaos in Eorzea
What are these bugs? All the strange events began with the introduction of the latest Growing Light patch. This patch not only brought new story quests, but also a fresh dungeon, a challenging trial and the final alliance raid of the Endwalker expansion to the game.
Players were surprised to find that they were suddenly receiving buffs and abilities that didn’t fit their respective jobs at all. These buffs are so absurd that they completely upend the Final Fantasy XIV experience. Among other things, a ninja and a dark knight suddenly got the dual cast of the red mage, which is only intended for the red mage.
But that was not all. A White Mage, Warrior, and Dark Knight suddenly received the Formless Fist buff from the Monk. Equally unexpectedly, a Summoner, Sage, and Samurai received the bard ability Blast Arrow, which is normally exclusive to the bard. Mind you, neither a red mage nor a monk nor a bard were represented in the group.
The list is much longer. Here you can see the screenshot that DeathofTheHeavens posted on Reddit:
It seems as if the jobs in Eorzea momentarily forget their identities and mix up abilities wildly.
In another Reddit thread, players also report numerous other errors affecting buffs and abilities. Dancers or black magicians are currently experiencing a real surprise. Abilities that are normally only active and granting power for a short period of time suddenly persist throughout the entire battle.
In one fight, a dancer even manages to perform technical step an astonishing 248 times. The ability actually has a cooldown of two minutes. Apparently these uncontrollable buffs and abilities really broke the mold.
The strange buffs in Final Fantasy XIV have sent players in Eorzea into a real power frenzy. The question remains how long this surprising Super Saiyan status will last in Eorzea. Square Enix will probably fix the bugs soon.
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