The Elder Scrolls Online can be very confusing, especially for beginners. That’s why the MMORPG is now changing the quest system.
The MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online is already 9 years old and has already been served one or the other addon. This can be confusing, especially for beginners who are just starting out in the game – especially since you have been able to choose which chapter to start with since 2021.
Everywhere there are new quests and NPCs who want something from you. Your quest log will quickly look like a phone book. With the new update 39, ESO should now get some quality-of-life adjustments that make the quest system and the entry into the game clearer.
In the official ESO forum, the developers gave an overview of the changes that the MMORPG will receive with the free update.
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Numerous quests are only visible from a minimum level
How does ESO plan to make the quest system clearer? The developers write in the forum that many quests in large cities have been revised so that they only appear later.
For example, “The Prophet” and other base game main quests should now only appear in chapter and DLC cities after players have reached at least level 5 and completed the first quest in the respective zone story.
Various introductory quests such as “Room free” (to start housing) should now only be visible from a certain level. The same applies to the quest givers of the daily tasks for the warrior and the mage guild
In addition, ESO is now introducing Navigator Quest Pins, which allow tracked quests to indicate whether a connection leads you to a location where you have quests.
In addition to some changes to the quest system, ESO will receive new Cyrodiil monster masks, new markings for the face and body, and new achievements for existing content with Update 39, among other things.
The latest expansion has also been playable in ESO since the beginning of June. MeinMMO editor Alexander Leitsch reveals in a short check who Necrom is worthwhile for.