A new ArcheAge MMORPG is launching this month. Find out everything we know here.
What kind of successor is this? ArcheAge War is the name of the new MMORPG from publisher Kakao Games. It is based on ArcheAge. An official release date was recently announced.
ArcheAge War is scheduled to start on June 27, 2024. On the same day, you will have to say goodbye to the MMORPG ArcheAge. It will then close its servers, although we already reported in May that some private servers are already trying to attract players to continue playing there after the end.
The MMORPG ArcheAge War starts this month
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What information is available? The MMORPG ArcheAge War is set to launch in the English version for PC and mobile. There will be no region lock or other restrictions. In addition to SEA servers, there will also be international servers.
You can pre-register for the game via the official website (via teaser-aaw.kakaogames.com/SEA). For pre-registration you will also receive some bonuses and items, including the “Ring of Promise”.
You can also secure a username via the website until June 23, 2024, which you can then use to start the MMORPG later.
More PvE, more story and smaller PvP groups
What awaits you? ArcheAge War is supposed to offer you more PvE and story content than the original. Dungeons and a campaign mode were already mentioned beforehand. The PvP content in the new MMORPG is supposed to focus on smaller groups and instead the large-scale PvP of the predecessor is supposed to be dispensed with.
The official website already presents the 6 different races you can choose from:
You should be able to choose from almost 40 class combinations to prepare yourself for exciting battles on land, water and in the air according to your ideas. If you are currently looking for a good MMORPG, then this list could be helpful for you: The 5 MMORPGs with the best housing in 2024