The mistakes you should avoid before retirement in 2024: “Obvious risk”

The mistakes you should avoid before retirement in 2024 Obvious

Every year, thousands of individuals retire after a long and solid working life. For many, it is a long-awaited time to be able to enjoy more free time, while for others it can be challenging to fill the time you suddenly have.

But for the vast majority, the pension also means that the income changes. From having had a monthly salary until you start receiving pension payments instead.

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You should avoid that – when you retire in 2024

When the amount in the account changes, it is also important to know how to deal with the new form of income.

News24 have therefore spoken to Nordnet Bank’s savings economist Frida Bratt which tells you which traps and mistakes to avoid when it’s time to retire in 2024.

– An obvious risk is drawing your occupational pension in too short a time. Many pensioners want to maximize the withdrawal in order to have time to “live life” while having health, and thus request payment of the occupational pension over, for example, five years, she explains and adds:

– But you have to bear in mind that we are living longer and longer and therefore also more active for longer. The shortfall in private finances can be large if all occupational pensions are withdrawn and you will live many years as a pensioner with only income pension.

Frida Bratt is a savings economist at Nordnet Bank. Photo: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TT

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High pension? You have to think about that then

If you have had a professional life that instead allows you to have a relatively high pension, there are other aspects to consider, says Bratt. For example, when it comes to withdrawing the pension and how you should treat taxes.

– If you receive the pension from several sources, it is important to ensure that the tax is not too low. You can avoid withholding tax by contacting the respective pension company and asking them to deduct a higher preliminary tax on the pension payment. There may also be reason to plan the withdrawals so that the tax does not become unnecessarily high. It may be about spreading the occupational pension payments over several years, Frida Bratt explains to Nyheter24.
