the mistakes of the founding fathers – L’Express

the mistakes of the founding fathers – LExpress

Psychoanalysis: a misunderstood discipline or an outdated practice? This week, La Loupe questions “talk therapy”. In this second episode, academic Jacques Van Rillaer, a former psychoanalyst who became a critic of the discipline, looks back at the mistakes of the great figures.

READ ALSO: Freud, Lacan, Dolto… The big mistakes of the bigwigs of psychoanalysis, by Jacques Van Rillaer


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation), Léa Bertrand (writing and editing) and Jules Krot (direction).

Credits: Arte, INA, NewLine Cinema, StudioCanal, YouTube

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Image credits: Ann Ronan Picture Library/Photo12/AFP

Logo: Jeremy Cambour

How to listen to a podcast? follow the leader.

Charlotte Baris: Dear listeners, when we do research for an episode of La Loupe, we sometimes make unexpected discoveries. And that is precisely what happened when we came across this INA archive where you hear Françoise Giroud. We know her well at L’Express, because she founded the newspaper in 1953 with Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber. And while the magazine positions itself today as a fervent defender of scientific rationality, Françoise Giroud was convinced of the merits of psychoanalysis.

She was a great friend of Jacques Lacan, a famous practitioner of the 1960s, who gave her more than 400 20-minute sessions, while she was suffering from depression after her separation from Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber.

The unconscious, the interpretation of dreams or the Oedipus complex are among the famous theories developed by Jacques Lacan and his predecessor, Sigmund Freud. But what exactly are we talking about? A look back at the controversial legacy of the founding fathers of psychoanalysis, in this 2nd episode of our series “Psychoanalysis on the couch”.

To go further

Jacques Van Rillaer, former psychoanalyst: “Freud was the Didier Raoult of his time”

Clotilde Leguil: “Statistics cannot be applied to psychoanalysis”

Feeling of falling, trauma… Can psychoanalysis really help us interpret our dreams?
