the mistakes of Emmanuel Macron – L’Express

the mistakes of Emmanuel Macron – LExpress

For several days, these are, as we now say, elements of language repeated over and over on all television channels, which contribute to the famous Élysée storytelling. First point: appointing a Prime Minister is a personal decision of the president, who is not accountable to anyone – the “king’s choice”. It’s true, the Constitution is there to remind us of this, in article 8: “The President of the Republic appoints the Prime Minister. He terminates his functions upon the presentation by the latter of the resignation of the government.”

Second point: Emmanuel Macron is “the master of clocks”, an expression that is unbearable because it is so hammered home. The proof ? Sunday evening, he received Elisabeth Borne at the height of rumors of a reshuffle to ask her to take care of the bad weather and the extreme cold.

Far from these constructions, there is political reality, recalled by two precedents: the Vautrin case, the Castaner theorem. Emmanuel Macron is not the man to let his arm be twisted? The beautiful story. Less than two years ago, he had decided, in fact: Catherine Vautrin would be the new Prime Minister, she had even met Brigitte Macron to get to know each other at length, she had even exchanged, in the latter’s Parisian apartment, with Jean Castex, whom she would succeed, she had even started to form her government by making a few phone calls, she had even thought about forming her cabinet.

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And then the great chief backed away, faced with the panic of some of those close to him. Almost unique case of the Fifth Republic of a president under influence: to tell the truth, we only see one other example, not entirely comparable, but close, the non-nomination in 2005 of Michèle Alliot-Marie. Jacques Chirac had not gone as far as Emmanuel Macron, but he had really studied this hypothesis before Dominique de Villepin dissuaded him, having in mind a better solution: himself.

The Castaner theorem

A sign of his omnipotence, Emmanuel Macron is therefore the master of clocks! Yes, talk to Christophe Castaner about it. In 2018, Gérard Collomb leaves Place Beauvau to return quickly to Lyon. The president takes fourteen days to appoint his successor, which means he does what he wants when he wants. Why so much time? Because he had a genius idea? That he has unearthed the rare pearl? Or because he didn’t find it? He ended up choosing the one who was favorite for the position from the first of fourteen days. Christophe Castaner thus finds himself struck by a lack of legitimacy even before having started. The president gave him a hard time. “It’s the problem of very intelligent people who are always looking to see if there isn’t an even better solution than the one they found,” say some in the majority, without it being clear if they are wrong. rejoice or lament.

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On the airwaves, the time has come for antiphrase. “I don’t want to interfere,” says – without laughing, salute the artist! – François Bayrou Sunday evening on BFM, after having explained at length the profile of the Prime Minister that Emmanuel Macron should choose. Or self-affirmation. Before the weekend, the noises coming from those close to the president sounded like drums: Bruno Le Maire was closer to the door than to the promotion. Since he did not want to draw the majority list for the European elections, he was going to be able to chomp at the bit at home, far from Bercy. On France 3, the minister praised stability, that is to say himself: “As far as the economy and finances are concerned, stability in these periods of great upheaval has a lot of benefits. virtues.” And repeated that he would not run for the European elections. Close the ban, the near future will show who had the last word.

You will see what you will see. Since mid-November, “the Elysée has done too much teasing for the start of the school year for nothing to happen”, remarked a Macronist at the end of the year. It’s crazy how January is reminiscent of July (except for the temperature). “We are asking ourselves the same questions today as at the time,” he emphasizes. “We had to rework last summer.” But since we told you that the president does what he wants…
