The mistake with the child insurance can cost you dearly: “A risk”

The mistake with the child insurance can cost you dearly

Many new parents take out child insurance in order to receive compensation in the event of an accident and the child is injured or becomes ill.

Not infrequently, the insurance is taken out close to the birth and perhaps you are considering, later in the child’s life, to change insurance? But then you have to think about it.

Here are the insurances you can do without

The risks of changing personal insurance

For News24 explaining Jenny Sparringwho is a lawyer and expert in personal injury and personal insurance at the Consumers’ Insurance Agency, what risks can be involved in easily switching children’s insurance.

– Our message is that you should not change a personal insurance that replaces illnesses, as children’s insurance does. The reason is that there is a risk that you have a disease that you are not aware of before switching. The new insurance cannot replace diseases where symptoms, even diffuse ones, appeared before the change.

– We are contacted by many parents who have changed child insurance and regretted it when the child contracted an illness where symptoms appeared several years before the diagnosis was established and therefore before the change.

This is insurance fraud – the mistake could lead to jail time

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

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If you are dissatisfied with the price, you can, according to Jenny Sparring, lower the insurance amount in order to reduce the premium.

– However, it is important to be aware that any compensation will therefore be lower. If you want to increase the insurance amount again, it will be like taking out a new insurance for the new amount, which means risks again.

The lawyer: Keep the child insurance as long as possible

Anyone who still wants to change child insurance should ensure that the new insurance is granted before the old one is cancelled.

– It can also be good to keep both insurance policies in parallel for a while if there are waiting periods in the new one, explains Jenny Sparring.

Photo: Gorm Kallestad/NTB/TT

Once you have a child insurance policy that you are happy with, the Consumer Insurance Agency recommends that you keep it until the end of life, which is usually 25 years.

– There is no adult insurance that is as comprehensive as a child insurance.

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