The Miss France committee emerges a “old runner -up” to participate in Miss World, the reasons are quite obscure

The Miss France committee emerges a old runner up to

Neither Miss France 2025 nor one of her runners will be a candidate for the Miss World competition in May. An unusual choice.

We expected to see Audrey Ho-Wen-Tsaï, the first runner-up of Miss France 2024, compete for the Miss World scarf next May. The Miss France committee has just announced that it is finally Agathe Cauet who will defend the colors of France. You don’t see who it is? It must be said that the young woman participated in the Miss France competition some time ago. Agathe Cauet is the first runner -up of … Miss France 2023 and was therefore elected in 2022! An astonishing choice at first glance, but that the Miss France committee assumes, failing to explain it clearly.

First, it should be remembered that usually, the last Miss France elected (we are talking about Philippine Angarni-Filopon this year) participates in Miss Universe at the end of the following year, while it is her first runner-up that presents itself in the Miss World competition, much earlier. For the record, the latter was created by a Briton in the 1950s, the entrepreneur Eric Morley, director of a group of casinos and writer in his spare time. It will be a time called “Bikini Contest festival”, in the purest British style. Miss Universe for his part is an American competitor who was created a year later by the Pacific Mills brand. The competition was held for a time by a certain Donald Trump and we will recognize in his name this mania of the Americans to see ever bigger …

Agathe Cauet was initially elected Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais in 2022. © Laurent Vu/Sipa

Today, the two competitions co-exist and it is therefore necessary to make a choice, given the important preparation required, difficult to compatible with the obligations of a title Miss France. This year, the Miss World competition is indeed taking place on May 31. And also displays an age limit of 27 years maximum to his candidates. This excludes Angarni-Filopon, 34, to compete.

But why then not select Audrey Ho-Wen-Tsaï, his first defending runner-up and not concerned by this age restriction? Contacted by Le Parisien, the Miss France committee was content to declare that “there are no strict rules”. A participation in Miss World would first depend on the wish of the candidate. And Miss Guyana 2024 would not seem to have expressed this desire, unlike Agathe Cauet.

Arrival second from Miss France 2023, the northerner would have quickly expressed her dream of participating in Miss World. What the Miss France committee does not say is that it also belongs to the Talent Lab agency, created by the ex-patron of Miss Sylvie Tellier, which brings together influential beauty queens for “Celebrity Marketing” operations. Ready to invest thoroughly during the 3 months of preparation in India, Agathe Cauet Cochait so all the boxes to represent France with panache. It remains to be seen if this “old runner -up” as some have already pointed on social networks will make the job.
