The Ministry of the Interior has just launched Ma Sécurité, a free mobile application allowing victims of attacks to communicate 24 hours a day with the police for advice and practical information.
As a prelude to the great digital transformation to come for law enforcement, part of the LOPMI bill recently presented to the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of the Interior has just launched two new services intended for the public: THESIS, a platform for filing a complaint online quickly and easily (see our article); and Ma Sécurité, a free mobile application for tablets and smartphones, available in Android and iOS versions. Intended to simplify the relationship between law enforcement (police and gendarmerie) and citizens, this new digital tool allows victims of violence, aggression or fraud to get in touch directly by chat with a police officer or with a gendarme 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to make a report, but also to find quality listening and support if necessary. Please note, however, that this service is not intended to replace 17, the emergency call number for the police, which will soon be supplemented by 17 Cyber, for dealing with malicious cyber acts (see our article).
Ma Sécurité: a one-stop shop for victims of violence
In practice, the My Security application acts as a one-stop shop “all in one”, a kind of Swiss army knife which allows, in case of emergency, to access the police or gendarmerie services closest to the place where you are, to the necessary information and to be guided in the steps in line. A sign of the times, particular emphasis has been placed on assisting victims of domestic or intra-family violence who are often reluctant to go to the gendarmerie or police station to file a complaint. The Family section of the application then allows discreet and personalized care by police officers and gendarmes – it is important to emphasize this – specifically trained to listen and guide victims by accompanying them and respecting their desire for anonymity. .
My security also offers other functions: there are, for example, emergency numbers or a map indicating the units (police station, police station, gendarmerie, etc.) nearby. It is also possible to file a pre-complaint online, to report an offense and to access a platform for reporting drug trafficking points. Each user can also personalize the application according to their own centers of interest and geographical location. By selecting themes (road safety, victim assistance, digital, family, youth, recruitment, practical life, burglary prevention), we receive a tailor-made information thread, both local and national. Note that the application so called upon to process potentially sensitive data, the legal framework for the processing and retention of recorded data and information concerning the people who use the application, is defined by the decree n°2022-337 of March 10, 2022.
Despite some complaints about its usefulness and functions, the first opinions left by users on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store are generally positive. But the application is still young and it will be necessary to wait several months to know if it meets the expectations of the public and if it fully fulfills its role.
Download the My Security app for Android
Download the My Security app for iOS