the Ministry of Persons Living with Disabilities expands

the Ministry of Persons Living with Disabilities expands

Their ministry has existed since 2019, but with too little budget and no public administration. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Ministry for Persons Living with Disabilities now has a general secretariat.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

After several protest demonstrations, the Deputy Prime Minister for the Civil Service signed an order creating a permanent administration responsible for dealing with issues in this category, which represents more than 10% of the Congolese population.

A ” administration »

For Irène Esambo Diata, Minister Delegate for People Living with Disabilities and Other Vulnerable People, “ the materialization of this vision of the President of the Republic goes through an administration. Because you know, if we have to leave the question at the simply political level, that does not give guarantees for tomorrow. »

To sustain this visioncontinues Irène Esambo Diata, we had to have this administration. And we worked with a lot of experts so that today we have this administration. And the particularity of this administration is that it is an administration of services and trades. Because – ultimately – what we are looking for is the social inclusion of these categories. We cannot include them, if there are no trades, if there are no services that take care of their specificity in terms of problems and needs “.

►Also read : DRC: demonstration of hundreds of people with disabilities in Kinshasa
