The Ministry of Culture and Tourism made a statement regarding the Common Turkish Alphabet: “A consensus has been reached on the proposal for a Common Turkish Alphabet consisting of 34 letters.”

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism made a statement regarding

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has made a statement on the “Common Turkish Alphabet”. It was announced that the Turkish World Common Alphabet Commission successfully held its third meeting, organized by the Turkish Academy and the Turkish Language Association, in Baku on September 9-11. An agreement was reached for the “Common Turkish Alphabet”, which consists of 34 letters and is Latin-based.

Here are the five letters that are not used in Turkey: Ä – Ň – Ŭ -Q – X

Officially appointed commission members from the Turkic states came together. It was emphasized that the main purpose of the meeting was to develop a common alphabet for the Turkic languages ​​by utilizing the knowledge and experience gained as a result of 2 years of joint work. The statement from the ministry said the following:
“During the meeting, the Latin-based common Turkish alphabet project, first proposed by scientists in 1991, was comprehensively reviewed. The commission conducted detailed discussions and made the necessary determinations regarding the issues that needed to be developed in this alphabet project. As a result of this devoted work, a consensus was reached on the common Turkish alphabet proposal consisting of 34 letters. Each letter represents different phonemes found in Turkish languages. The successful conclusion of this meeting represents a historic moment.


The development of a common Turkic alphabet promotes mutual understanding and cooperation among the Turkic peoples while preserving their linguistic heritage. The Turkish Academy and the Turkish Language Association express their gratitude to the governments of the Turkic states and the members of the commission for their valuable contributions to this process. All relevant institutions are invited to actively support the implementation of the proposed common Turkic alphabet.
