The ministers of the three countries shared on Twitter, Germany gave the green light: A move that will change the course of the war! Action taken to corner Putin

The ministers of the three countries shared on Twitter Germany

It is a matter of curiosity how the Leopard tanks, which are available in many EU and NATO countries, including Turkey, will affect the course of the war. Germany announced that it was warm to this move, which was taken to corner Russian leader Vladimir Putin. However, if there is no final approval from Germany, Poland also has a plan B…


Foreign Minister Baerbock, after the reporter of the French LCI television asked what would happen if Poland delivered Leopard tanks to Ukraine, “This question is not asked at the moment, but if it was, we would not have prevented it.” said.


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also shared on Twitter, “We will not stand by the situation in Ukraine. If we cannot reach an agreement with Germany on the leopards, we will form a smaller coalition of countries ready to donate some of their modern tanks to the warring Ukraine.” used the phrase.

This statement of Foreign Minister Baerbock was interpreted by the German press as “Greening the green light for the Leopard tanks to be given to Ukraine”.


The foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia also called on Germany to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

Ministers of the three countries wrote on their Twitter accounts, “We urge Germany to supply Ukraine with Leopard tanks. This is necessary to stop Russian aggression, help Ukraine and quickly restore peace in Europe. Germany as the leading power in Europe.” has a special responsibility in this regard. had shared.


Leopard tanks produced by Germany are available in EU and NATO countries such as Denmark, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, Czechia, Turkey and Hungary.


There are approximately 2,670 Leopard 2 tanks in service with various armies around the world. Weighing approximately 64 tons, Leopard tanks can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour and can hit targets up to 5 thousand meters with a 120 millimeter smoothbore gun.

European allies such as Poland and Finland had stated that they were ready to send these tanks to Ukraine and were waiting for Berlin’s approval. However, since Leopard tanks are produced in Germany, Germany’s approval is required for use in other countries such as Ukraine.

