The minister on the train chaos: “The situation is unacceptably bad”

The delayed maintenance work on the southern main line between Malmö and Stockholm has caused a number of departures on the route to be cancelled, which affects both business and private travellers.

Heavy criticism has been directed at the Swedish Transport Administration, which is accused of informing too late when maintenance is to be carried out. The criticism is shared by Infrastructure Minister Andreas Carlson.

– It creates great frustration and the anticipation has been too poor when the train companies have to book their times. It creates problems when they have to schedule staff, so that travelers and freight buyers know what times are available, he says.

Should have promised improvement

During the day, the Swedish Transport Administration promised to give two to three weeks’ notice, according to him, and that they should no longer provide information from day to day. This despite the fact that the authority has an obligation to inform a full 18 weeks in advance.

– That is why I say that the situation is still unacceptably bad. It’s about living up to the requirements of the legislation and the Swedish Transport Administration’s own instructions, says Andreas Carlson.

– But gradually during the summer and autumn it will get better.

Hear the minister about the extensive problems in train traffic in the clip above.
