the Minister of Health wants to ban Sniffy, the white powder to inhale through the nose

the Minister of Health wants to ban Sniffy the white

In France, an energizing powder sold self-service in tobacco shops is causing controversy! Sniffy, that’s its name, is inhaled through the nose with a straw and is aimed primarily at young people. Problem: it is strangely reminiscent of cocaine use. The Minister of Health therefore intends to ban it.

2 mins

The promise is clear: taking Sniffy gives you a boost of energy for 20 to 30 minutes! Sold in France in small vials with a straw to inhale it, powder to sniff is available in different flavors: candy, strawberry or even passion fruit. Created by the Marseille company Sniffy, the energizing substance at 15 euros per gram is composed in particular of caffeine, taurine and citrulline. If none of these substances is prohibited in France, it is all the symbolism surrounding the gesture which poses a problem for the authorities as well as the doctors. Prohibited for minors, the powder can cause some undesirable effects, particularly on the mucous membranes of the nose. But above all it is the conditioning that this product can create in young people, reminiscent in every way of cocaine consumption.

Outcry in the medical world

This very pernicious ritual is criticized by many addictologists. According to them, they are reminiscent of Puffs, these electronic cigarettes with multiple flavors, which will be banned next September. Concerning Sniffy, the Minister for Health, Frédéric Valletoux, indicated that he would take all necessary measures to ban this product as quickly as possible. According to him : ” We must ban it as soon as we can “. “ I’m going to look at it very quickly with the services, starting this weekend. And as soon as possible, I promise you that I will be uncompromising on this “.

A white powder that you inhale through your nose? Although this may evoke forbidden pleasure, it is completely within the law ”, on the contrary, boasts the Sniffy brand on its website. The snorting powder which is sold in particular on the internet is nevertheless very rarely sold in tobacconists, rather on the internet.
