The Minister of Finance: “Very difficult financial situation”

Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M), presented the spring budget on Monday morning. According to Svantesson, the government’s spring financial bill should support vulnerable households, the defense and the opportunity for vocational training. – Partly it is about continuing to suppress inflation, but that we can support the most vulnerable households at the same time, she says. “The most difficult economic situation in several decades”, is how the government describes the conditions that form the basis of the presented budget. Inflation is the clear culprit in the drama and fewer authorities are mentioned as one of the solutions to tighten the coffers. – We are in a very difficult financial situation. Therefore, it is important for the government to fight inflation, says Elisabeth Svantesson (M). The temporary housing allowance is extended In a press release during the morning, three measures were highlighted in particular to manage the economy. The temporary supplementary allowance for families with children with housing allowance is both increased and extended in what is described as “support to better help people in socially particularly vulnerable situations in society”. The budget also allocates money to improve the Employment Service’s conditions for dealing with increased unemployment, for to strengthen secondary vocational adult education and the university of applied sciences and for people with temporary protection, for example those in need of protection from Ukraine, to have access to sfi at komvux. – In the spring amendment budget, we temporarily increase the housing allowance for financially vulnerable families with children and invest in vocational training to get more people into work, says Elisabeth Svantesson (M). And so the Government wants to make it easier for entrepreneurs. Then, among other things, the task of the investigation that analyzes the tax rules for entrepreneurs, the so-called 3:12 rules, was expanded to also include proposals to further promote entrepreneurship and facilitate changes of ownership. 724 million for defense Security is also raised as an important issue, where defense and gang crime are mentioned. The Security Police and the Correctional Service for increased funding to be able to grow. Municipalities must receive an increased budget to facilitate family home placements. free up places for children and young people in social child and youth care. – With investments in defense and in preventing crime, we increase security in Sweden, says Elisabeth Svantesson (M). It has already been announced that the Security Police and the Probation Service will receive an increase of over SEK 300 million. On Monday, it was announced that an extra 724 million had been set aside to strengthen defense and crisis preparedness. Largest increase in expenditure for employers A clear indication that the government is sticking to the line of work is that the largest increase in expenditure, of 800 million, is a contribution to increased sick pay costs for employers. Municipalities and regions, which fear that they will run large deficits next year, have to wait until this fall for information on whether they will receive more in state grants, they will not receive information about money now. According to TV4 Nyheterna’s political commentator, Ann Tiberg, it is above all the lack of that information that is the most interesting thing about the spring budget. – I think it’s most interesting what we don’t get to hear. There are questions about why the municipalities do not receive more funding, says Ann Tiberg. In the player at the top of the article: See the finance minister’s press conference on the spring budget
