The Minister of Education: The Center should apologize

The Cuf leader, Caroline von Seth’s statement about student teachers has drawn strong criticism. “It’s not geniuses who study in teacher training straight away,” she says in a video clip on social media in connection with the launch of a report on the Swedish school.

Sweden’s Student Teachers strongly criticizes the statement and believes that it is “a mockery of student teachers”.

“That a student teacher himself undermines his students and slanders nearly 40,000 other students around the country is sad. We see it as a betrayal of the professional profession and all student teachers who have chosen to start an education with pride,” writes Emelie Fransson, president of Sweden’s Teacher Students , in a written comment to TV4 Nyheterna.

The education minister demands an apology

Now the education minister reacts to the statement and demands that the Center Party’s youth association apologize to Sweden’s teachers and student teachers.

“It is unfortunate if the Center Party’s youth association has this view of those studying to become teachers. I actually don’t understand how the party thinks,” writes Education Minister Lotta Edholm to TV4 Nyheterna.

“Imagine that you are a school politician in the countryside looking for teachers with candles and lanterns. And then statements like this come,” she writes further.

Considering the serious shortage of teachers in the country, it is important to work to make the profession more attractive and raise its status, says the education minister.

“Teachers play a crucial role in school success, and we need to raise the status and authority of teachers,” she writes.

Responding to criticism

In a written comment to TV4 Nyheterna, Carolin von Seth (Cuf) responds to the criticism and believes that the play was ironic.

“It is very good that we are now discussing these issues, although I understand that not everyone understood the self-irony in my statement,” she writes.

“Regarding the education minister’s demand for an apology from me, I think it would be more appropriate for the education minister himself to apologize for a whole year of government without proposals for measures to raise the status of teacher education,” she writes further.
