The minister is waiting for an end to the trawling despite dwindling salmon

At Brändbergsfallet, the rapids in the Råneälven, you can usually see salmon migrating up the river, but today you have to wait a long time to see a salmon fin in the rapids.

The salmon counter downstream of the rapids gives a gloomy statistic. Since the peak year of 2018, with roughly 4,000 migrating salmon, there has been a reduction of as much as 90 percent.

– There are a few people a day, says Sven Norman, chairman of the Degerselsbygden community association.

“A huge problem”

The urgent situation in the Råneälven means that the fishing association has stopped this year’s salmon fishing. Last Friday, Vattenfall also stopped fishing rights for salmon in the Lule River because too few salmon migrate up the regulated river and hinder salmon farming.

Now Degerselsbygden’s community association demands that the politicians stop trawling in the Baltic Sea, because it empties the sea of ​​the salmon’s food.

– If we have too extensive trawl fishing, we end up in a situation where there is not enough food. It is a huge problem, the effects of which we are now beginning to see. The salmon won’t come back, says Sven Norman.

The association, together with the foundation for the Baltic salmon, wants to see a five-year stop to trawl fishing for stills and currents in the Baltic Sea.

No stopping from the minister

In October, new negotiations will take place regarding the fishing quotas within the EU. But according to Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (KD), it is not relevant that Sweden demands a stop.

– If we see that this development continues, it is clear that we will take even more measures to protect the salmon, says Peter Kullgren (KD).

He refers to new negotiations in October on the fishing quotas, and that before this they await what the scientists and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ICES, say on the matter.

No salmon left

From the fishing association in Råneälven, it is hoped that Sweden will put its foot down in the trawling issue before the wild salmon is a thing of the past.

– If nothing drastic happens with the management, I am afraid that the Råneälven’s salmon will be gone in ten years, says Sven Norman.
