The minister acts after the revelation of cold facts: Unacceptable

This week, Kalla revealed the facts that Chinese schools in Sweden spread the communist party’s worldview to children – with the help of Swedish taxpayers’ money. Something that the government now wants to put an end to.
– As a taxpayer in Sweden, you should be able to feel secure that the money goes to what it is intended to do – not to spreading information that benefits the communist dictatorship China, says Mats Persson (L), Minister of Education.

The public education inquiry appointed by the government will be adapted to Kalla fakta’s review. The disclosure will be included in the additional directive that the investigation will receive “in the near future”, according to the Minister of Education.

– The government will now give new tasks to the ongoing investigation that controls public education in Sweden. We will now ensure that this can never be repeated by making much clearer demands, says Mats Persson (L).

“Totally unacceptable”

According to the minister, a great responsibility lies with the student unions and the Workers’ Education Confederation, ABF, which he expects to act quickly to prevent the ongoing situation.

– I expect the student unions and ABF to act quickly and take measures, this is completely unacceptable, he says.

Details of how the government will stop grants for the schools that operate in violation of the requirements have not yet been determined.

– We’ll get back to the details, but it’s about those who receive tax money never being able to use it for propaganda, says Mats Persson (L).
