The midday sale kicks off – already on Christmas Eve

In recent years, Black Friday has taken an increasingly large place. That, in combination with tougher economic times, has meant that the role of the classic mid-day sale has changed.

– It’s a trend we already saw last year, that you start much earlier and it’s often because you want to be first, says Viktor Schmidt, press manager at Swedish Trade.

– There is a competitive advantage in starting to offer cheap prices as early as possible.

When TV4 Nyheterna takes to the streets of Stockholm, Melina Bozioti stands ready outside a shop.

– At ten o’clock it opens and then I go and buy what I want. That’s why I’m out today on Christmas Eve to find a bargain.

Scouting the day before

She too has noted that the sale signs in some shops were already in place the day before Christmas Eve. And then you have to be quick.

– I go scouting the day before what I want, then I go shopping on Christmas Eve, so you’re out early, says Melina Bozioti.

But not everyone is caught up in the sales frenzy. Some people TV4 Nyheterna talks to instead think there will be hysteria with both Black Friday, Christmas gifts and mid-day sales.

Starting the mid-day sale already on Christmas Eve is also something that can mean a strain on the stores, according to Swedish Trade.

– Many traders would have to charge full price given the tough economic situation. Sale is not something you want too often and for too long because the margins are small from the start.
