In recent years, a thriving industry of small-scale breweries has emerged. But in recent times, conditions have become tougher, and last year an industry survey showed that 70 percent of microbreweries were breaking even or making a loss.
Reduced alcohol tax is something the industry is asking for.
– This is the absolutely most important message for the industry. It creates opportunities for survival and employment for small breweries, says Andreas Fejes, microbrewer in Linköping.
Creates jobs
According to the EU’s alcohol tax directive, there is currently an opportunity to lower the alcohol tax for microbreweries, but Sweden has so far not used it. Now a proposal is being submitted that would lower the alcohol tax on beer produced by small producers.
– Together with the proposal for farm sales, this is a further step for a freer and more business-friendly Sweden. Microbreweries contribute with several job opportunities around the country. With reduced taxes, they get an additional opportunity to grow, says Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson in a press release.
To be covered by the proposal, the producer may produce a maximum of three million liters of beer per beer and be independent of other beer producers.
Ayla Yavuzalp, chairman of Sweden’s independent breweries, would like to see tax breaks for craft brewers. More about it in the video. Photo: Private