The meteorologist’s happy news: Then summer will return

Storm Hans has kept Sweden in a tight grip and after an unusually cold and wet week there is now warmth and sun in sight.
– Summer is coming back, says meteorologist Ingrid Eronn in Nyhetsmorgon.

Now comes good news. Storm Hans seems to be easing in several parts of the country and the Swedish summer, which has been long-awaited in many parts, is coming back.

– It will continue to rain a little, after all, we have “Hans” spinning for a while longer, says meteorologist Ingrid Eronn in Nyhetsmorgon.

Rainy weather “Hans” will move north over the country but it is starting to stabilize south.

Then it turns around

As early as Saturday, it turns around and returns to more normal Swedish summer weather with variable cloudiness.

– On Saturday, the low pressure has weakened so much that we are back in normal Swedish summer weather. Then it happens, the meteorologist also tells TV4 Nyheterna.

– We will once again get up to 20 degrees and we will have a lot of sun. Above all along the coasts. This also applies on Sunday. Maybe there will be an afternoon shower like we had throughout July. Considering how it’s been all this week, that’s an improvement. This applies to the entire country.

This is what the weather will be like next week

Next week it looks even more stable, especially in southern Sweden. According to the meteorologist, there will be no new low pressure, but rather warmer air coming in from the south.

– It looks like it will be a nice August week next week, she says and continues:

– I think we say it: Summer is coming back!


Summer is on its way back – then the sun will come
