The meaning behind Caroline af Uggla’s unusual tattoos: “On the butt…”

The meaning behind Caroline af Ugglas unusual tattoos On the

The artist Caroline of Ugglas is currently in the beginning of 2024 in SVT’s hit program “The stars in the castle”, where she is joined by Pernilla Wiberg, Mark Levengood, Marcus Samuelsson and Sanna Nielsen.

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Caroline af Uggla’s tattoos – that’s what they mean

Caroline af Ugglas has a colorful personality, and the observant may have noticed that she also has a lot of colorful tattoos on her body. For News24 the artist has told about the meaning behind his fierce barbs.

Is there a backstory behind your tattoos?

– Always. I think you probably have to have it on a tattoo. You would still live with them for the rest of your life. Even when the skin starts to hang on it.

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Caroline af Uggla’s one tattoo represents a crosswalk. Photo: Nyheter24

The one that is one of the most eye-catching is a tattoo on the artist’s forearm, depicting “Herr Gårman” stumbling.

– This is about society putting up signs on what you can and cannot do. You stumble and then you get up again. Who said I need to cross the street here when you can walk over there. As a metaphor. You choose yourself, says Caroline af Ugglas.

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On the same arm, the artist also has a tattoo that she describes as “The Man in the Moon”. Photo: Nyheter24

On the same arm, Ugglas also has a road sign in black ink.

– You don’t always have to choose the main road. You can also walk to the side, you don’t just have to float along. I think it’s good to remind yourself and others of that.

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Caroline af Ugglas talks about the tattoos: “The clown nose is my best”

Also on the other arm, Caroline af Ugglas has a decent collection of barbs, one of which represents a red clown nose.

A rabbit and a clown nose have moved onto the high arm. Photo: Nyheter24

– The clown nose is my best. Everyone has a nose and if you don’t know about it, you can’t take it off either. This is very important so that you dare to be yourself. And if you dare to be yourself and take off your clown nose, then others will leave. Just off speed.

On the same arm, she has, among other things, the names of her family and an exclamation mark, but also a tattoo representing a rabbit.

– My daughter and I have the rabbit thing. I have tourettes on the “rabbit”. I say “rabbit” all the time. And my daughter says “meow”, so she has a cat on her arm.

– And then I have a few others on my ass. But I suck at showing them off now, adds the artist.

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