The Meaning and Origin of the Grey Wolf Sign

The Meaning and Origin of the Grey Wolf Sign

We provide information on the meaning and origin of the Grey Wolf Sign, which has always been meaningful to us but has been talked about a lot in the world recently.

Merih Demiral’s Grey Wolf sign, which became a global issue after the Turkey-Austria match, is known by all of us, but we would like to provide information without going into too much depth for our friends who do not know. If we were to explain it in detail, it would take days both to prepare and to read. That’s why The meaning and origin of the Grey Wolf sign We will give general information on it.

Grey wolf sign It is a symbol that has deep roots in our culture and history, symbolizing national identity, pride and the spirit of resistance. Its origins lie in Turkish mythology and epics.

The Meaning, Origin and Mythology of the Grey Wolf Sign

Mythological Origins

The Grey Wolf is considered a sacred animal in Turkish mythology. One of the most famous legends about the origins of the Turks is the mythology of the foundation of the Gokturks. The Gokturk Epic is one of the most important legends of Turkish mythology and history. This epic tells the story of the foundation of the Gokturk Khaganate and the resurrection of the Turkish nation. The basis of the epic is the rebirth and strengthening of the Turkish tribes, who were in danger of being destroyed by their enemies, under the guidance of a Grey Wolf. There are several different narratives of the Gokturk Epic. We will share the one that impressed us the most.

The epic begins with the Turks being attacked by their ancestors’ enemies. As a result of this attack, most of the Turkic tribes were massacred and only one child survived. Thinking that the child would die anyway, the enemies cut off his arms and legs and threw him into a lake. According to the legend, a female wolf (Asena) found this child and raised him as her own cub. As the child grew, Asena taught him the skills of survival, fighting and leadership. One day, when the child became an adult, she told him her true identity and the story of her ancestors.

However, when his enemies learned that the child was still alive, they set out again to kill him. Seeing the situation, Asena took the child to the other side of the sea, to a cave in the Altay Mountains. After years there, she married him and gave him 10 children. Each of these children separated and founded a different tribe. Later, these tribes united and founded the Gokturk Dynasty.

Under the guidance of Bozkurt, the Turkish tribes become stronger again and regain their former glory. Here, Bozkurt appears as both a savior and a symbol of rebirth.

Historical Use

Grey Wolf Symbolalso had an important place during the Gokturk period. The flag of the Gokturk Khaganate had a symbol of a Grey Wolf head. This symbol represented the sovereignty and power of the Gokturks. Gokturk InscriptionsThe sanctity and importance of the Grey Wolf was also emphasized.

Grey Wolf Sign in Modern Times

The Bozkurt sign, made with the hand, is created by lifting the index and little fingers up and joining the middle and ring fingers with the thumb. This gesture represents the head and ears of the Bozkurt. The Bozkurt sign symbolizes the unity and solidarity of the Turks and is often used as an expression of national feelings.

The Meaning and Origin of the Grey Wolf Sign

The Symbolic Meaning of Grey Wolf

The Grey Wolf sign is a powerful symbol that has its origins in Turkish mythology and has an important place in Turkish culture. Reflecting the national identity, pride and spirit of resistance of the Turks, this sign has been the symbol of independence and resistance of the Turkish nation throughout history. It has also been adopted and widely used by Turkish nationalists in the modern period.

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