the mayor of kyiv in Brussels to talk about reconstruction

the mayor of kyiv in Brussels to talk about reconstruction

This Monday, November 28, the mayor of kyiv, Vitali Klitschko, is expected in the European capital where he will be received by his counterpart, the mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close. The two officials will attend the seventh kyiv Investment Forum. This year it will bring together government, European and Ukrainian officials and is expected to focus on the reconstruction of the Ukrainian capital.

Remove rubble, rebuild buildings, repair infrastructure damaged by massive Russian strikes. Preparing for the post-war period isa colossal challenge awaiting kyiv and its region.

And the expectations of the authorities in the Ukrainian capital are enormous. But they will also have to be helped to set up more modern digital services and technological solutions. Three keywords are therefore on the menu of the discussions taking place in Brussels on Monday: resilience, innovation and sustainability.

In order to pursue this difficult task, it is also necessary a lot of money. Representatives of the public and private sectors will participate in the round tables. They will have the support of international financial institutions and private investors, also present in the European capital. ” We must prepare for the future “, said Vitali Klitschko before his arrival in the Belgian capital.

The race against the clock has indeed begun in kyiv. While snow and power cuts heavily disrupt the lives of its inhabitants. In the capital, the inhabitants are only entitled to 4 hours of electricity per day.

►Also read: In Ukraine, the population faces a deteriorating climate which complicates the fighting
