The maximum duration of administrative retention soon extended to 18 months? – L’Express

The maximum duration of administrative retention soon extended to 18

Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau wished on Wednesday March 10 to extend up to 18 months, against three months currently, the maximum duration in the administrative detention centers of migrants in an irregular situation. Fixed at 10 days in 1993, the duration in an administrative retention center (CRA) was brought in “exceptional” to 90 days with the Collomb law of 2018, and to 210 days, or around seven months, in terrorist matters.

Read also: EXCLUSIVE. Bruno Retailleau: “Nothing gives Algeria the right to offend France”

“Today, the maximum retention period in France, it is three months. In Germany, it is practically a year and a half,” said Bruno Retailleau on RTL. “In the Senate, a text will be discussed […] We had initially planned to align the diet of all the most dangerous individuals on the terrorist regime which provides 210 days. I think you have to go beyond, so as much as possible, “he added.” That is to say 18 months “.

“Holes in the racket”

“If tomorrow there is a new Mulhouse and that we see that there is an Algerian with a very very dangerous profile which commits a terrorist act, what will the French say?”, He added, in reference to the attack on the knife perpetrated on February 22 by an Algerian in an irregular situation and under the blow of an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF).

Read also: Bruno Retailleau, how to become big: the remark of Emmanuel Macron, the council of Nicolas Sarkozy

“We are accountable for this,” said Bruno Retailleau. “Zero risk does not exist, in any country of the world. But each time we see that we have holes in the racket, we have to change the rule.” And to add: “When the law does not protect the French, we change the law”.
