the match of the Insoumis for 2027

the match of the Insoumis for 2027

In this episode of La Loupe, Xavier Yvon questions Olivier Pérou, a journalist in the political service of L’Express, about his investigation into the upcoming Mélenchon-Ruffin match.

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The team: Xavier Yvon (presentation), Charlotte Baris (writing), Ambre Rosala (editing), Jules Krot (directing) and Marion Galard (work-study).

Credits: YouTube channel of François Ruffin, Thinkerview, Télé Loisirs, Public Sénat, LeHuffPost, Euronews

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Picture credits: Julien Mattia/NurPhoto via AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Amber Rosala: White shirt and microphone in hand, François Ruffin, now a deputy, addresses the voters of the first constituency of the Somme, on this sunny evening in June 2017. He grew up here, in Amiens. A housewife mother and an executive father at Bonduelle, the young François could already have been in politics, but he chose to be a journalist instead. At 24, he founded his satirical newspaper: Fakir. From the beginning of his career, he stood out by publishing a book: “The little soldiers of journalism”, in which he criticized the methods taught in his school.

In all his articles, François Ruffin is committed. Before seeing bigger: a documentary on his lands in the north, in which he attacks Bernard Arnault, first fortune of France, who closes one by one the factories of his region. In 2016, we see it everywhere. He skims the TV sets to present Thanks boss !decked out in an “I love Bernard” t-shirt.

Then, in 2017, during the presidential election, he got involved alongside the employees of Whirlpool in Amiens. He even meets the candidates Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen there. François Ruffin therefore decides to stand in the legislative elections, under the label France Insoumise. He then swaps his t-shirts and other leather jackets for a shirt and a blue jacket, and settles in the National Assembly, where he has found for 6 years a new platform to defend his fights.

Xavier Yvon : If you didn’t know François Ruffin’s career very well, here you are now. This portrait could include a new chapter, in 2027. Because the candidate who will manage to unite the left for the next presidential election, it may be him.

In any case, this is what some voters are starting to say, in an exclusive survey for L’Express. The hon. member knows that. He places his pawns and tries to become presidential. But the tutelary figure of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not far away, and the latter has already proven that he should not be buried too quickly. In the camp of the Insoumis, the great maneuvers have already begun.

For further

PODCAST. Will the pension reform put the unions back at the center of the game?

EXCLUSIVE. Presidential 2027: the poll that places Ruffin ahead of Mélenchon

The strikes, the Mélenchon obstacle, the Europeans… La Nupes quits or doubles

2027: what if the anti-Macron candidate was called… Jean Castex?

