The Markovic affair, under the waste the rage

The Markovic affair under the waste the rage

Historian Jean-Yves Le Naour and cartoonist Manu Cassier recount in comics one of the most resounding cases of the Fifth Republic: the Markovic affair.

It’s a deal any screenwriter could dream of. Imagine a little: a corpse found in a public dump, a movie star summoned by the judges, suspicions on the side of the Corsican community or Yugoslav clans, fake photos of fine parts, a less and less insidious little rumor that dirties a former Prime Minister and his wife keen on contemporary art, an aging president, a war of internal succession in which all blows are allowed, not to mention a possible involvement in the middle of the Cold War of the CIA or the KGB…

No need for other ingredients to build a solid comic book. Especially since it is not a pure invention, but a very real affair, undoubtedly one of the dirtiest – some would say disgusting – in the entire history of the Fifth Republic.

The Markovic affair is told to us in comics. The album was published by Grand Angle editions, with the drawing, Manu Cassierand to the scenario the historian Jean-Yves Le Naour.

Rebroadcast of the program from Thursday, September 8
