The man who was shot in Umeå is suspected of additional crimes – hidden drugs and cash at home

During a night out in Umeå in September, the police receive a call about a disorderly man in a pub in central Umeå. The man is said to have acted under the influence and nervous and the police were called.

In the commotion that ensued, the man is said to have shouted to a friend: “Take a taxi and go home to me. You know what to do”.

Drugs and cash found

During a house search, suspected narcotics of various kinds were found. A bundle of five hundred kroner notes was also found. Close to SEK 100,000 in cash was found.

He is now suspected of drug offenses and minor drug offences. There is a suspicion that the man had the possession for the purpose of reselling.

Suspected of crimes in the past

The man has previously been suspected of serious drug offenses after the police raided Västerslätt in May. He was arrested in his home in Umeå in early September by the regional task force and then arrested.

The incident at the pub occurred the weekend before the arrest.

Shot with three shots

The man is also the one who was hit by three shots after the shooting East of town last spring. Police believe the shooting was a deal over the drug market.

In questioning, the man says that after the injury last spring he had difficulty sleeping and because of that he self-medicated.

The man admits possession for personal use but denies selling.
