The Malin case is taken up again – after 25 years

The Malin case is taken up again after 25

Malin was 16 years old when she disappeared in November 1996 and was then found murdered.

The case will now be taken up again after the new evidence that Aftonbladet has previously reported on has been re-examined.

– The new evidence does not provide an answer to the questions of how and when the girl was deprived of life. On the other hand, it means that there is very strong support for a connection between the girl and the person who was previously acquitted, says Justice Stefan Johansson.

A man was convicted in the district court in 1998 but acquitted in the court of appeal. Now the same man is linked to the crime again by having DNA evidence analyzed again.

A new trial will now be held in the Court of Appeal.

The text is updated.
