The malaise continues within the presidential party UDPS

The malaise continues within the presidential party UDPS

No appeasement within the presidential party in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The UDPS appears, in recent days, deeply divided. The secretary general, Augustin Kabuya, is today challenged by some party officials who accuse him in particular of mismanagement. Tensions have been high for several days.

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For a party official, this crisis has been brewing for years, since the 2018 presidential election. He denounces the party’s mismanagement. We need to take care of the UDPS, otherwise we cannot do our work properly “, believes Sylvain Mutombo, former minister and member of the rebels.

The latter are demanding the reorganization of the party, a congress and especially the departure of Augustin Kabuya, the current secretary general. A person close to the government is worried today about a situation that could deteriorate and ” end badly “.

We have no choice but to sit around the table and focus on dialogue. “, warns Christian Lumu, vice-president of the UDPS youth league, before adding that ” We must not fall into violence as has already happened in the history of the party. “, especially since this crisis could weaken the position of the UDPS within the coalition of the Sacred Union of the Nation.

Christian Lumu, vice-president of the UDPS youth league

Paulina Zidi

Others are waiting for the head of state to decide. A source close to the government explains that the presidency is watching and, for the moment, is giving the UDPS authorities a chance.

Read alsoDRC: the presidential party UDPS shaken by an internal crisis
