The maker of Ancient Apocalypse is worth millions and influenced Roland Emmerich

The maker of Ancient Apocalypse is worth millions and influenced

In the more recent documentary series On the Trail of Lost Civilizations, journalist Graham Hancock puts forward the thesis that 12,000 years ago an advanced society existed, which has been wiped out by climate change. Serious experts and scientists consider his views to be conspiracy theory nonsense and criticize Netflix for offering Hancock a platform.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the man behind “Netflix’s Most Dangerous Series,” we’ve got some background on Graham Hancock for you.

Netflix creator Graham Hancock is worth millions and has already inspired Roland Emmerich

After graduating with a degree in sociology in the early 1970s, Hancock began one career as a journalist. Born in Edinburgh, he first wrote for British newspapers such as the Times and the Guardian. From the 1990s his work then focused on speculative connections between historical and archaeological phenomena.

This has resulted in various books, including Fingerprints of the Gods, The Message of the Sphinx and Magicians of the Gods. In these works Graham dealt for the first time with his great thesis of a ancient civilization wiped out by the Ice Age and was so advanced that it left many clues for today’s technologies.

Also prominent names were inspired by Hancock’s theories. For example, Roland Emmerich listed the book Fingerprints of the Gods as an influence for his adventure film 10,000 BC. Hancock has made millions from his publications, documentary series and performances.

Among his most talked about appearances is a TEDx talk where he discussed Smoked marijuana daily for 25 years and kicked the habit due to an enlightening ayahuasca trip.

Hancock continues to describe himself as a journalist and clearly distinguishes his ideas and theses from archaeologists and other researchers. His work, with which he has also appeared several times on the controversial podcast heavyweight Joe Rogan, is not considered to be scientifically verified and is more likely to be spiritual-alternative trains of thought counted. His work is generally summarized under the phenomenon of pseudoarchaeology.

The 20 best series debuts of December on Netflix, Disney+ and more

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in December on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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Have you seen Graham Hancock’s controversial Netflix documentary?
