The main task of Russia’s new defense minister may be to root out corruption, experts estimate | A studio

The main task of Russias new defense minister may be

Sergei Shoigu steps down from the position of Minister of Defense and is replaced by economist Andrei Belousov. Shoigu’s new post is still close to President Vladimir Putin.

21:53•Updated 22:01

An economist will become Russia’s defense minister because Russia’s defense budget has swelled to record levels. This is what a researcher at the Foreign Policy Institute thinks Jyri Lavikainen in Monday night’s A-studio.

– It’s about the fact that Russia’s coffers are not bottomless either.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has presented that the country’s deputy prime minister, an economist Andrei Belousov becomes the new defense minister. Was the Minister of Defense for twelve years Sergei Shoigu takes over as secretary of the Russian Security Council.

According to Lavikainen, Belousov’s main task may be curbing corruption.

– In Russia, corruption is a central part of the political system and it has also permeated the defense administration. In peacetime this can be tolerated, but in wartime Putin’s priority is that the war should be won.

Former commander of the defense forces, parliament member of the coalition Jarmo Lindberg agrees with Lavikainen. According to him, a lot of money has been invested in defense equipment production in Russia, but large amounts of money have also been lost.

In Lindberg’s opinion, the task is demanding for one person to handle.

– As long as I can remember, there has been structural corruption in the Russian system, so this is quite a mountain for one person to climb.

According to Lindberg, Belousov has no connections to operational activities, so the commander of the armed forces Valerie Gerasimov the role may become stronger in the future.

– He is now the experienced creator and war veteran.

According to Lavikainen, Šoigu’s new boss is influential.

– The Security Council coordinates all issues related to security policy in Russia, and Putin himself is the chairman of the council. Shoigu is in contact with Putin at least weekly.

Watch A-studio at Areena on Monday.
