the main Renaissance proposals to the Europeans

the main Renaissance proposals to the Europeans

The head of the presidential majority list in the European elections, Valérie Hayer, defends a pro-European program which aims to restore sovereignty to Europe.

Candidate for the presidential majority in the European elections, Valérie Hayer has a resolutely pro-European program. The head of the list defends the Macronist ideas which are those carried by the head of state, Emmanuel Macron, since he became head of the country. But the presidential camp and its project no longer gather as much support according to the results of the European election polls: the candidate is falling well behind the National Rally list carried by Jordan Bardella.

Faced with this competitor, whose party has defended leaving Europe in the past and now wishes to profoundly change the functioning of European institutions, the candidate claims to be at the head of the “only pro-European movement” in the elections. A partisan statement which is not entirely true since other lists also defend the maintenance and strengthening of Europe even if with a different program.

48 proposals for a “powerful Europe”

Valérie Hayer and her team unveiled the 48 proposals that make up the program for the “Need for Europe” list on May 6. The objective of this project is to build a “European power” by restoring to the European Union its sovereignty on the economic and cultural levels, but also in terms of defense. Points that had already been addressed by Emmanuel Macron during his long speech on Europe at the end of April.

Among the main points of the program of the Renaissance party and its allies in the presidential majority, we note a 100 billion euro plan for European defense. Furthermore, the program of the list carried by Valérie Hayer provides for a “Europe 2030 Plan” of 1,000 billion euros covering five sectors: energy, transport, digital, health and space, with objectives for the environment and for health at European Union level.

A third and final axis of the program attacks the “democratic risk and attack on our values”: Valérie Hayer’s list undertakes, for example, to fight against foreign interference within the EU, by prohibiting financing extra-European for political parties. She also defends the inclusion of abortion in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. The program also proposes the establishment of transnational lists in the European elections.

More generally, Valérie Hayer campaigns on the defense of the European Union against its detractors. On the campaign’s official website, the list undertakes to “face the return of war to Europe”, or to “strengthen sovereignty in the face of the great powers”. Like Emmanuel Macron, Hayer is also playing the card of bulwark to the far right, given far in the lead in these European elections. She assured regarding her party: “We are the only pro-European political offer. We are the only offer which wants to continue to transform Europe”.

Valérie Hayer’s profession of faith

Candidates for the European elections summarize the main measures of their program in professions of faith which are sent to voters throughout France with the European elections. Valérie Hayer recalls on hers that “with Europe, France is stronger”. She believes that the next election “is the most important in history” for Europe as wars and climate change threaten. “Faced with those who want to undo Europe and in a one-round election, let us not disperse ourselves in meaningless votes: let us unite our voices so that France maintains its rank in Europe and so that Europe does even more for improve our daily lives, guarantee our health, ensure our security and prosperity and that of future generations,” she adds.

Valérie Hayer’s profession of faith is available in full on the Ministry of the Interior website. The program is informed on the Renaissance website.
