the main announcements of the Apple keynote

the main announcements of the Apple keynote

iOS 16, macOS 13, iPadOS 16, watchOS 9, MacBook Air M2, MacBook Pro M2… Apple presented a host of new features during its long WWDC 2022 opening keynote on June 6. Here’s what to remember.

As expected, Apple kicked off its major developer conference – WWDC 2022, which will last until June 10 – with a keynote on Monday, June 6, at 7 p.m. French time. A river keynote of nearly two hours during which Tim Cook’s teams presented a host of new features, both software and hardware. New operating systems (iOS 16, iPadOS 16, watchOS 9, macOS 13 Ventura), new in-house chip (M2), new Macs (MacBook Air, MacBook Pro), new functions and applications… the Apple firm has chained the announcements at a steady pace, just to show her fans that she is always at the forefront of innovation, imagination and integration. Because, of course, everything revolves around the Apple ecosystem, with a strong emphasis on “experience” – the buzzword that is now available in all sauces to designate the use…

Even if, for the first time in two years, hundreds of developers, journalists and bloggers found themselves at Apple Park, Apple’s headquarters, it was in the form of a pre-recorded video that the apple brand presented its new products. A keynote broadcast online, on the Apple website and on the brand’s YouTube channel, accessible to everyone – and not just developers – in a version with French subtitles. If you weren’t able to attend it live, you can watch it again on computer or mobile, with a simple web browser or the YouTube app.

Review the WWDC 2022 keynote on the Apple site

Watch the WWDC 2022 keynote on YouTube

© Apple

What are the main announcements from the WWDC 2022 keynote?

The Worldwide Developers Conference 2022 started off with a bang with a host of announcements in just about every area. Some were expecting the presentation of a new Mac Pro equipped with an Apple Silicon chip, but we will have to wait a while longer. Similarly, following numerous rumors around a mysterious RealityOS, many hoped to finally see Apple announce its future mixed reality solutions (virtual reality and augmented reality). Again, you will have to wait. On the other hand, Apple has been very generous with new features for its operating systems, which will all evolve. And the firm at the apple has still created a surprise by unveiling its new in-house processor, the M2, which will equip two portable Macs.

iOS 16 and iPadOS 16: even more customization

Of course, Apple presented iOS 16, the next version of its operating system for iPhone, its king product, and its counterpart for iPad, iPadOS 16, which should in principle arrive in the fall of 2022. Without changing their solid foundations. , the two systems evolve by enriching themselves with a myriad of practical functions. And in particular by new customization options, including for the lock screen, which can adopt several models and even accommodate widgets. In addition, we can better manage notifications to make them less intrusive. We can also dictate text and type on the keyboard at the same time, or even more easily extract textual information from images, in photos as well as in videos. To learn all about what’s new in iOS 16 and iPadOS 16, check out our article.

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© Apple

watchOS 9: functions for sport and health

Still in the mobility department, Apple will continue to improve watchOS, the operating system of its famous connected watches, the Watch Series. In addition to a new collection of customizable dials, watchOS 9 will take advantage of extended functions in many applications related to sport, health and well-being by exploiting in a very sophisticated way the various integrated sensors, for monitoring sleep. or strenuous physical activity, such as running or swimming. The app Exercise, one of the most popular on the Apple Watch, has been so updated to provide richer data for performance measurement. And the ECG app and arrhythmia notifications promise to identify possible signs of atrial fibrillation (AF). To find out all about what’s new in watchOS 9, see our article.

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​​​​ macOS 13 Ventura: new habits to adopt

Called Ventura, the next version of the operating system for Mac should bring many changes in terms of ergonomics and ease of use. Like the Stage Manager function which allows you to juggle in an original way between the various applications and open windows, or Spotlight which sports a revised design to facilitate navigation and file search. In another register, the iCloud Shared Photo Library will make it easy and automatic to create and share photo collections within a group of up to six members. Many applications installed as standard, such as Safari, Mail or Messages benefit from many welcome improvements. And communication with other Apple devices will be extended, like the Continuity function which will allow you to use an iPhone’s camera as a webcam, without having to go through a third-party application, and taking advantage of unprecedented shots. For more details on what’s new in macOS 13 Ventura, see our article.

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MacBook Air and MacBook Pro: all the power of the new M2 chip

As many hoped, Apple took advantage of the WWDC 2022 keynote to unveil the M2, its new ARM-based chip. Combining an 8-core processor (CPU), up to 10-core graphics circuit (GPU), unified RAM (up to 24 GB) with impressive 100 GB/s bandwidth and various other computing units specialized, the M2 would offer, according to Apple, a net increase in power compared to the M1 – from 20 to 40% depending on the applications –, while remaining very sober in terms of energy. The first computer to take advantage of this is the MacBook Air vintage 2022, which benefits from a completely revised chassis, with a notched screen and a passive cooling system, without fan – therefore perfectly silent – and which announces record autonomy – up to at 6 p.m. in video playback – and still for a featherweight – 1.2 kg. The price has however been revised upwards, with an official price of 1,500 euros in the basic version. in the upper range, a new version of the 13-inch MacBook Pro also includes an M2 – count 1,600 euros for the basic version.

© Apple

What is the schedule for WWDC 2022?

While everyone was impatiently awaiting the new features announced during the opening keynote on June 6, we must not forget that WWDC 2022 is a multi-day event, until Friday June 10, 2022. The conferences of the following days, which are much more technical, are of less interest to the general public, since they are intended for developers so that their applications take full advantage of the new functions. Before the health crisis, only the opening keynote was broadcast publicly, while the technical conferences were reserved for people who made the trip to get there, in California. Since then, all presentations are accessible to everyone, even non-developers. A wealth of information for anyone willing to spend dozens of hours in front of a screen. And if these conferences interest you, go to the site dedicated to developers : you will find a rich catalog of videos in all areas of development.
