The maid received 15,000 of man in extremist environment

Former national security counselor Henrik Landerholm was charged on Tuesday for carelessness with a secret task.

– For some reason, the person has left the documents in a small cabinet in a room. This cabinet was never locked. In this way, the documents have been handled by a number of people who were not competent, says prosecutor Per Lindqvist to SVT News.

The documents, which are deemed to be of “secret nature”, were found in the unlocked security cabinet in March 2023 by an unauthorized person who can be “linked to the violent extremist environment”, according to the indictment.

– It is serious that secret information has been cleared and that we cannot say with certainty who or who has taken part in the information, says Per Lindqvist.

The police have not reached the maid

The maid who found the secret documents is a woman in her 30s originating in Georgia. The police have not been able to reach her.

The link to the extremist environment is about receiving a transfer of SEK 15,000 from a man in July 2023. The man, a citizen of Russia, is linked by the security police to the violent extremist environment.

– If the money transaction has to do with this, we cannot answer. We just note that there is a link between them, says Per Lindqvist.

In interrogation, Henrik Landerholm gets a question about how he views that link.

– If this should have a connection to the documents, it is serious, says Landerholm.

The woman does not want to talk to the media

SVT has talked to a representative of a cleaning company where the woman has worked. The representative says that the woman does not want anything to do with this, she only found the documents and communicated it to those responsible at the courtyard. The maid herself does not want to talk to media.

Through his lawyer Johan Eriksson, Henrik Landerholm refuses crime: “Landerholm denies crime and even considers that what is being charged is not criminalized,” the lawyer writes.
