the Macron-Bertrand match in Liévin

Emmanuel Macron went this Wednesday, February 2 to Liévin, where he met the elected representatives of the mining basin, a territory in great difficulty which is awaiting state aid to revitalize itself. Among them, the president of the Hauts-de-France region Xavier Bertrand, support of the LR presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse, with whom the tension was palpable. A game in the countryside.

From our special correspondent in Liévin

There was electricity in the air, in the Liévin gymnasium, between Emmanuel Macron and Xavier Bertrand. The President of the Republic had come to affirm the State’s desire to support economic recovery and the renovation of the mining basin.

The State has been able to commit to Greater Paris in massive proportions. We are in the process of committing to Greater Marseille. Well, we will commit to Greater Lille in the same proportions “, he promised.

Sitting opposite him, Xavier Bertrand showed his skepticism. So Emmanuel Macron addressed him directly: “ Don’t make a bad argument today, let’s see. Nothing gets done without this cooperative spirit, nothing! »

Xavier Bertrand (Les Républicains) speaks during a meeting with the French president and local officials in the town of Liévin, in the north of France, this Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

A little lesson, not to the liking of the president of the region, who answered him via the press:

This displacement, it is obvious: it is a displacement of a candidate who does not mean that he is a candidate, with lies and untruths. I absolutely do not believe, and the people of the region absolutely do not believe, in commitments. On the other hand, we all remember the hurtful remarks he had made five years ago, in particular on alcoholism in the north

A face-to-face that suggests an uncompromising campaign with an Emmanuel Macron who seizes every opportunity to send messages to the French.

What I want here is that our compatriots who sometimes doubted, sometimes were angry and who had good reason to be, we give them precisely this meaning of the given word “Launched the Head of State.

Keep commitments, report to convince. With each trip, Emmanuel Macron advances on the path of the candidacy.

►Also listen: Macron facing the risk of the spark
