The luxury detail in hotels can disappear – throughout the EU

The luxury detail in hotels can disappear throughout the

A new EU regulation will soon be pushed through. The regulation will not only lead to new rules and regulations in Sweden, but throughout the EU.

The regulation aims to reduce debris from unnecessary packaging and will thus affect several parts of society, something that News24 Previously rewritten.

One of the rules that will become reality is about plastic packaging in grocery stores. Fruits and vegetables are usually sold in plastic packaging, nets or plastic bags in large packs in grocery stores, something you now want to phase out.

Packaging that holds less than 1.5 kilograms will therefore be completely replaced, but only by 2030, the organization predicts Keep Sweden Clean. CEO Johanna Ragnartz is positively set to the new rules.

“In order to really cope with the debris, both clear regulations are required and that we all take greater responsibility,” she writes in a Press release.

With the new EU regulation, new rules will also start to apply in hotels, which keeps Sweden purely highlighted.

– We believe that the changes that will affect consumers most are precisely the ones we wrote about in the press release, and thus will start to apply in 2030, Ragnartz has said in a previous interview with News24.

In hotel rooms there are usually small disposable bottles with hand soap, shampoo, lotion and such -like hygiene products for the guest to use. However, these packaging belongs to those that can become a memory only.

Which alternative the hotels will use is not yet determined and may be up to them. But bigger permanent dispensers could be a solution, Keep Sweden Clean.

– It’s not so clear yet, Ragnartz points out.

The rules will be relevant by 2030.
