The Lucius Malfoy bug at the end of Harry Potter 2 has been bugging me for 20 years & the explanation doesn’t help either

The Lucius Malfoy bug at the end of Harry Potter

For a cold-blooded murder in the wizarding world, there must be a better place than a corridor some 30 meters from the office of the most powerful wizard of all time. In the middle of a school. On a sunny day, most likely in front of witnesses. And yet Lucius Malfoy aimed for exactly that in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Seemingly.

Harry Potter 2: This error is about it

Find out here…

  • What exactly in the legendary Lucius Malfoy scene goes wrong.
  • Which undercooked Explanations there is for the dropout.
  • the something better fan theory for the bug.
  • Lucius Malfoy’s assassination attempt in the finale of The Chamber of Secrets

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    They are touching minutes for Lucius Malfoy (Jason Isaacs). His personally engineered plan to bring Voldemort back via a magical diary became a reality thwarted by a 12-year-old snotty fool. The same snotty 12-year-old who humiliated his son in Quidditch and just freed his house slave, Dobby.

    A former Death Eater can blow his fuses. And then you just slip away unforgivable curse. But it has to be Avada Kedavra be, the spell that brings about certain death and that no one survived except for the boy standing in front of him right now?

    Here you can watch the Harry Potter 2 scene in peace

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    In the film, Malfoy begins to pronounce the Killing Curse: “Avada…!!!”. But before he can fully articulate it, former house-turned-free elf Dobby protects his liberator with a defensive spell that sends Malfoy flying.

    Now the question: Was Malfoy actually murderous at that moment? Has this rational man endowed with keen intelligence and infinite talents for self-preservation really lost his composure and let himself be carried away to outrageous stupidity?

    No, because there is…

    … various explanations for Lucius Malfoy’s Avada Kedavra in Harry Potter 2

    In the book template the scene doesn’t even come close to steering towards this escalation. It’s a threatening situation, Harry is all alone with this obviously very evil and scheming man.

    At best, Malfoy curses his young enemy internally and I would also question whether Lucius under Harry cheaper conditions would have killed. After all, Harry is in many ways important to Voldemort’s resurrection plans, though what Malfoy knew about it is uncertain.

    If you follow Reddit, YouTube, and fan forums explanations for the error If you search, you will always come across a somewhat plausible but unsatisfactory story in different versions.

  • version 1: Allegedly, Jason Isaacs improvised the Avada Kedavra spell. He had just read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, in which the curse is actually used prominently for the first time and explained in detail.
  • version 2: Others say that Isaacs forgot the curse he had originally planned while filming and called the first one that came to mind. Avada Kedavra was present to him because of the Goblet of Fire reading.
  • More iconic Harry Potter moments that are improvised
  • Unfortunately, there is no original source for this story. But even if we get involved, questions remain unanswered. Why did the director give his actor a free hand in the scene?

    It’s quite possible that Chris Columbus hadn’t read Harry Potter 4 himself and was therefore unaware of the implications. As for the influential creator in the film adaptations JK Rowling said about the scene is not known.

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    Jason Isaacs, on the other hand, was well aware of the effect of his slip of the tongue, as he said he knew the term from the books. He should have noticed the mistake. Or maybe it did, but he didn’t care.

    Back in 2001, Harry Potter book and expert knowledge wasn’t widespread. That wouldn’t happen today.

    An easily debunked but interesting theory on the Harry Potter 2 bug

    A year ago, the following idea spread on Reddit: What if Lucius Malfoy was in this scene didn’t mean to hit Harry with his curse, but the lost house elf Dobby? It received 1,700 upvotes and lots of positive feedback.

    It’s the more satisfactory, though not flawless, explanation. After all, the film would deviate significantly from the book without need. Also, I doubt the haughty Malfoy would have a use an unforgivable curse on what he considers a creature as unworthy as a house-elf would.

    So the scene remains an annoyance, a small logical dent that could have been avoided. Yes, this fantasy world was still under construction in the cinema adaptation, so it’s easy to lose track. But there were enough experts on set to intervene.

    And now millions of Harry Potter fans are living with a misplaced curse for the rest of their lives.

    What’s the status of the Harry Potter series: discussion in the podcast

    In the Moviepilot podcast, Esther, Hendrik and Andrea classify the rumors about a planned Harry Potter series:

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    At this point you will find external content that complements the article. You can show it and hide it again with one click.

    They discuss why a Harry Potter series makes sense right now, what their hopes and expectations are from it, and why JK Rowling is a problem.

    a notice: We already published this article about the TV broadcast of Harry Potter 2 a year ago.

    *. . .

    How do you rate the scene?
