The long journey that awaits those disembarked from the “Ocean Viking”

The long journey that awaits those disembarked from the Ocean

Caring for survivors of theocean viking started in the waiting area on the peninsula of Giens, a few kilometers from Toulon, and in a hotel for unaccompanied minors. In all, the State has mobilized 600 people and associations are also on site.

Richard Fradin is a volunteer at the Red Cross. He is present in the waiting area of ​​Giens and it is in this place that he describes as ” closed, but not oppressive “, which he saw happen on Friday the 230 people descended from theocean viking.

Here, the Red Cross is on a humanitarian mission. It attempts to meet the immediate needs of people disembarked from theocean viking : “ We started with classic comforting activities: distribution of hot drinks, clothes, shoes… Many survivors are barefoot, the smugglers stole their shoes when boarding. “.

But besides the immediate needs, the main mission of the Red Cross in this waiting area, it is the connection of migrants with their families. ” We have set up a wifi system and access to telephones with international credit. People can call their family, loved ones and tell them “It’s true, it went well, I’m alive”, says the volunteer.

For this, the Red Cross provides six telephones and the exiles can have about 5 minutes online with the person of their choice. Once the immediate humanitarian actions have been carried out, the Red Cross will concentrate on maintaining the link between the former passengers of theocean viking and their families.

Also to listen: Migrants on board theocean viking: “The solidarity mechanism no longer exists”

44 unaccompanied minors

Among the 230 people who were disembarked from the SOS Méditerranée ship, 44 are unaccompanied minors. They were cared for by child welfare. Eritreans, Egyptians, Malians or even Syrians, they are currently in a reception structure for temporary shelter.

They arrived at a hotel made available by the state. very tired, in a great state of exhaustion “says Christophe Paquette, Deputy Director General in charge of solidarity in the Var department. And to add: Regarding the psychological state, it is quite variable. There are those who rebound, who play, who laugh and then there are others who are more on the reserve. So we take the time to communicate with them. “.

And after a weekend in the hotel where they were able to rest, play and learn a few words of French with the reception staff and interpreters, a long journey awaits them. As of Monday, they will undergo a thorough health examination before majority assessment interviews. A way to determine their age before to guide them according to their needs and their legal situation “.

Once these first steps have been taken, the Alpes-Maritimes prefecture will have to register their asylum application. Then multiple scenarios are possible, explains Gérard Sadik, asylum manager at Cimade: “ There is the possibility to find out if, in Europe, a family member is present to try to bring them closer. And if not, the request must be registered with the Ofpra. The child will be assisted by what is called an administrator ad hoca person who is responsible for defending his interests during the proceedings “.

In the event that the child is not considered a minor or isolated during the interview, ” support stops “. ” And behind, the child finds himself literally without any protection and sometimes on the street », worries Mr. Sadik.

Read also: The difficult recognition of unaccompanied minors in Marseille
