The Lombardy Region supports small and medium-sized businesses that intend to list on the stock exchange

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(Finance) – Le small and medium-sized enterprises in Lombardy have a new opportunity: going public in Bag thanks to the support of Region which activated a unique measure in Italy and Europe. It’s about ‘Lombardy share‘, instrument with which the regional body has allocated 25 million euros in the three-year period 2025-2027 to facilitate Lombardy SMEs aiming for growth thanks to entry into Piazza Affari. The provision was illustrated today at Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarters of the Stock Exchange, in the presence of the regional councilor for economic development, Guido Guidesipromoter of the initiative, and the CEO of Borsa Italiana/Euronext Group, Fabrizio Head.

“It is a further possibility for Lombardy companies to capitalize themselves – declared councilor Guidesi – and do so through quotation it also allows us to reiterate the financial leading role of our Region, with the presence of the Stock Exchange. It is right that Lombardy plays its game in the field of competence which is the international one: having listed companies in the area allows us to reaffirm the solidity of our system productive and economic. These are the main reasons why ‘Quota Lombardia’ was born, a truly innovative tool.”

“It’s about it – he added HeadCEO of Borsa Italiana/Euronext Group – of an important measure to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Lombardy region, promoting access to capital and resources to fuel growth and innovation. With over 175 Lombardy companies listed on our markets for an aggregate capitalization of over 260 billion euros, Lombardy is the most represented region on the stock exchange. In a constantly changing economic context, this tool offers companies the opportunity to consolidate their presence on the market and face future challenges with greater competitiveness. We are proud to be part of a project that promotes capitalization and creates value for the entire Lombard entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

The objective, therefore, is to provide businesses with a further channel to capitalize and acquire greater strength and solidity, also with respect to the difficulty in accessing credit which still affects the economic and productive fabric. The Region introduces an innovative way to support the ‘Lombard System’ which complements the measures already put in place to encourage investments, supply chains, internationalisation, ecological and digital transition.
