The little baby was bitten by a viper! When the terrible truth started to cry…

The little baby was bitten by a viper When the

The baby, bitten by a viper, won the fight for life. In the terrible incident that took place in Siberia, where they went for a vacation, the baby’s hands, which were bitten by a viper, began to react at that moment. At first his hands swelled up and turned black.

He noticed when he started crying

The family realized that the baby’s hand was bitten by a snake when the baby started to cry. The baby, who was hurriedly taken to the hospital, had a viper’s venom in his chest when he arrived at the emergency room.


Emergency treatment was given to the baby with bleeding and signs of toxic-allergic edema. Doctors prescribed antihistamines, hormonal and blood-thinning drugs and considered the odds of survival a miracle.


A miracle happened for the baby, who struggled to survive for 10 days and survived. Viper bites are not uncommon in the region, where an average of 50 viper bites a year occur, and doctors are trained to deal with them.
